DearList Project

A double ended array list. The DearList can be used as list and as deque (double ended queue). The DearList can be many times, e.g. thousends of times, faster than a classical single ended array list, when adding or removing elements in the head area of the list (depending on the number of elements contained in the list). The DearList can also shrink and not just grow. Growing and shrinking of the DearList can be configured and controlled very fine-grained. The DearList employs a CowIterator (copy-on-write iterator) developed for the DearList. The CowIterator allows to add and remove elements during an iteration via any operation of the list interface and not just via the iterator itself. The DearList also supports to register change event listeners.
Below you can download archives from this project. This project has no dependencies. Requires JSE 8+.
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