Rules for user accounts
To use a user account it is required to register with the according online form. You covenant to enter the information asked for in the online form truthful or to not enter anything in the respective field. Personal information are required only if the online form asks for it explicitly, e.g. when the form asks in addition to the user name also for the first name or last name etc. as mandatory information. It is not allowed to use words or internet addresses which are protected by trademark rights as the user name.
After the registration it is generally required that an administrator unlocks your user account. Generally, there is no legal claim to get it unlocked. The unlimited domestic authority of the web site owner or operator shall be applied.
Your user account may be used only by yourself. Also you are responsible as the owner of the user account to protect it against misuse. Thus, you have to protect your credentials that others cannot access them. Do not use your password for third party services to the extend possible. In case you notice an unauthorized usage of your password or user account, you inform us about it as soon as possible.
These terms of use are protected by copy right laws.