Terms of use

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You accept our terms of use automatically by using our web site, latest by a call of content of this web site which is not needed to check these terms of use. Our terms of use include the following rules and policies:


A written permission is required for exceptions from these terms of use, even in individual cases.

By accepting these terms of use you covenant to meet all rules of these terms of use. For the avoidance of doubt, every violation of these terms of use may induce under our own discretion, as well as any appearance of rights violation under our equitable discretion, to exclude you from the usage of this web site by appropriate measures temporarily or permanently.

We may change these terms of use any time, even with immediate effect. Therefore, you should check these terms of use frequently.

All your rights and permissions to use the content and works of this web site, by these terms of use, licenses or other regulations, lapse automatically, completely and with immediate effect, in case you sue us or you take legal or official actions against us or our actions.

The place of jurisdiction is the domicile of the person which is legally responsible for this web site. These terms of use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the local, national and international laws which are applicable at the place of jurisdiction.

To the extent possible, if any regulation of these terms of use is deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the regulation cannot be reformed, it shall be severed from these terms of use without affecting the enforceability of the remaining regulations.



These terms of use are protected by copy right laws.