JAM project

A very complex Java framework that mediates announcements and arbitrary objects (related to arbitrary topics) sent by publishers to be received by subscribers. Using JAM is a simple one-liner in most cases. Implements object oriented patterns, such as publish-subscribe, mediator, specification, decorator, etc. Can work in a synchronous or asynchronous manner, on a single thread or concurrent, immediate or scheduled, over networks or directly within the same JVM instance. Supports to push and to pull data in dynamic chunk sizes, supports direct value change propagation, asynchronous exception handling and much much more. Includes packages to integrate with common logging APIs.
Please see also the examples how to use the JAM framework.
More documentation is coming soon.
Below you can download archives from this project. This project has dependencies. The dependencies are already included in the archives, so you should not need to download them separately. For further details please have a look into the archives. Requires JSE 8+.
Please refer to the instructions how to use these Java software bundles.
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