required implicitly by the form used when these name(s) is (are) mentioned in a similar way the Licensor mentioned himself as the creator on the issue or publishing of the Licensed Material, to the extent reasonably practicable. The form to mention the name(s) when Sharing the Licensed Material is always considered as reasonable, if it corresponds to the form to mention the name(s) on the issue or publishing of the Licensed Material by the Licensor.
Compatible Liberal Licenses are
this Public License,
LIBERAL LICENSE for works with AVAILABLE SOURCES 1.0 International Public License,
LIBERAL LICENSE for works with PROTECTED SOURCES 1.0 International Public License und
LIBERAL LICENSE for works with PROTECTED SOURCES 1.0 STRICT BLACKLIST International Public License,
as well as all higher versions of these licenses, by the same author or by an author authorized by him. Compatible Liberal License has a corresponding meaning.
Admitted Reciprocal License is any license applied to a material which is embedded or integrated in a larger work or referenced, invoked or executed by it, when that larger work at the same time embeds or integrates, references, invokes or executes the Licensed Material under this Public License; and which conflicts undoubtedly in fact or law with this Public License in case this Public License is applied to the larger work or if this Public License is otherwise not applicable to the larger work in fact or law; and which, in case being applied to the Licensed Material as the only license, does not restrict the effectively exercisable rights of each licensee in any manner beyond all those restrictions given in case this Public License is applied to the Licensed Material as the only license.
Admitted Umbrella Licensing is the additional licensing of the Licensed Material that results from applying a Compatible Liberal License or an Admitted Reciprocal License to a larger work, which embeds or integrates, references, invokes or executes the Licensed Material. For the avoidance of doubt, a licensing of the larger work with a license other than a Compatible Liberal License or an Admitted Reciprocal License is not an Admitted Umbrella Licensing.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License, the Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to exercise the Licensed Rights in the Licensed Material to:
display it NonPublicly ; and
display it Publicly, if at the same time this Public License
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